Algae Market Intelligence

Independent, trusted market data and information on seaweed and micro-algae to help you make more informed decisions.

Monthly Report coming soon - market insights, pricing data, and more…

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B2B Buyers' Guides

Knowledge center for product developers, R&D teams, and procurement departments on how to incorporate seaweed and micro-algae into their products.

Algae Supply Chain Builder

A free resource designed to help businesses find buyers and suppliers along the entire algae value chain.

Algae Testing and Analytics

Turnkey packages for product safety, nutrition, bioactivity, and chemical composition designed by seaweed and micro-algae specialists.

Product Development

Discover unique algae-based ingredients, request samples, and work with a product development specialists.

Cleaning up the messy middle.

We provide trusted, independent market data so companies can make better informed decisions when it comes to buying and selling algae.  Our goal is for this data to provide the necessary insights and transparency to expand the use of algae across many industries and products.

About Us

Cultured Supply is focused on providing independent, trusted market data and analysis so companies can make better informed decisions when it comes to buying and selling algae. Our goal is to help create structure and transparency across the algae market so we can expand its use across many industries and applications, while maintaining a healthy balance with nature.
Read more about Cultured Supply

Contact Us

We want to hear from anyone that is looking to help grow the algae economy. Feel free to drop us a line via the contact form.